雷霆战神 X1 电竞耳机

雷霆战神 X1 电竞耳机 Wishlist

Bidding Fees: 10

Ends in: 5 Days: 19 Hours: 42 Minutes: 17 Seconds

Minimum Bid: $ 20

Maximum Bid: $ 199

  1. Each bid requires a payment of 10 
  2. To win, your bid must be both the highest and unique when the auction ends.
  3. To place a bid, enter your bid amount and click Place Bid. View your bids and their status in the Bidding History tab.
  4. You can place multiple bids to increase your chances of winning.
  5. Your bid status may change as other users place bids. A unique bid can become non-unique, so consider placing additional bids.
  6. The bidder with the highest unique bid at the end of the auction wins.
  7. If you win, provide your address to claim your prize.
Auction Live
Actual Price: $99
Bid Range: $20 - $199
Start Time: 13 March 2025 01:28:00
End Time: 20 March 2025 01:28:00

沉浸式 7.1 环绕音效:精准定位敌人脚步声、枪声,助你抢占先机,决胜千里。 50mm 超大驱动单元:高保真音质,低音浑厚,高音清晰,带来身临其境的游戏体验。 降噪麦克风:360° 全向拾音,智能降噪,确保团队沟通清晰无干扰。 炫彩 RGB 灯效:1680 万色可调灯效,支持多种灯光模式,点燃你的电竞激情。 舒适佩戴设计:记忆海绵耳罩 + 可调节头梁,长时间佩戴依然舒适透气。 多平台兼容:支持 PC、PS5、Xbox、Switch 等多种设备,即插即用。


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