Edition 真正的无线耳塞

Edition 真正的无线耳塞 Wishlist

Bidding Fees: 10

Ends in: 5 Days: 19 Hours: 58 Minutes: 45 Seconds

Minimum Bid: $ 10

Maximum Bid: $ 135

  1. Each bid requires a payment of 10 
  2. To win, your bid must be both the lowest and unique when the auction ends.
  3. To place a bid, enter your bid amount and click Place Bid. View your bids and their status in the Bidding History tab.
  4. You can place multiple bids to increase your chances of winning.
  5. Your bid status may change as other users place bids. A unique bid can become non-unique, so consider placing additional bids.
  6. The bidder with the lowest unique bid at the end of the auction wins.
  7. If you win, provide your address to claim your prize.
Auction Live
Actual Price: $128
Bid Range: $10 - $135
Start Time: 13 March 2025 01:35:00
End Time: 20 March 2025 01:36:00

混合双驱动器:Epic Lab Edition 采用混合双驱动器 – 一个动态驱动器,用于丰富的低音和低频,以及一个 Knowles 平衡电枢驱动器,用于精致的高频。 这种驱动器的融合带来无与伦比、均衡和清晰的音质。 空间音频:使用空间音频,享受另一个维度和身临其境的声音,与杜比全景声、Tempest 3D AudioTech 和 Windows Sonic等应用程序兼容。 您会感觉自己坐在音乐会中间或站在战斗场景中。 智能 ANC:智能主动降噪功能可适应环境,并不断学习如何最好地消除噪音,提供最佳的音频体验。 通过三种噪音控制模式控制您听到外部噪音的方式:ANC On、ANC 关闭和注意(通过外部噪音)。


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